Robin Williams, the beloved comedian, made a name for himself at the Juilliard School and later skyrocketed to fame with his role as the alien Mork on TV’s Mork and Mindy. His career was illustrious, earning him an Academy Award and multiple other accolades. He was also cherished for his roles in family films such as Aladdin, Hook, and Mrs. Doubtfire. Despite his tragic passing in 2014, his legacy lives on.
Marsha Garces Williams, Robin’s second wife, has put their former San Francisco home on the market for $25 million. The property, which the couple called home in the ’90s and 2000s, is a stunning Italian Renaissance Villa-style residence with breathtaking views of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Pacific Ocean, and the San Francisco Bay.
The mansion, spanning 10,598 square feet and featuring twenty rooms, underwent extensive remodeling by the Williamses. It boasts elegant marble facade, terrace-cotta roof, and luxurious interior details. The property includes a hidden safe room, a Prohibition-era bar, a secret passage, and a movie theater with a drop-down projector. It also offers a kitchen with high-end appliances, a gym, a wine cellar, and a guest apartment with separate entrance.
Located in the picturesque Sea Cliff neighborhood, the estate is in close proximity to the Golden Gate Bridge and various attractions such as the Presidio of San Francisco, The Legion of Honor Museum, and Lincoln Park Golf Course. Notable residents in the area include Jack Dorsey, Larry Baer, and Kirk Hammett.
Image Credit : robinwilliams @ Instagram