The Chef Truck, a new venture launched by renowned Chef Roy Choi and writer, director, and actor Jon Favreau, has made its debut at Park MGM in Las Vegas. This food truck is a realization of the culinary camaraderie that originated from the popular movie ‘Chef’ and continues to thrive in the widely embraced Netflix series “The Chef Show.”
Visitors at Park MGM now have the opportunity to savor the dishes showcased in the movie ‘Chef’ and ‘The Chef Show’ by paying a visit to The Chef Truck. The menu includes featured items such as the Cubano, a delectable grilled cheese sandwich, and the famous chocolate lava cake. Additionally, the truck presents fresh collaborative creations by Choi and Favreau on its breakfast, lunch, and dinner offerings, including an array of vegetarian choices.
Choi expressed, “For a decade, Jon had persistently proposed the idea of starting a restaurant together, to which I consistently declined. I understood the challenges of running a restaurant and didn’t want it to interfere with our friendship. However, with Park MGM as our collaborator, I felt that the time was ripe to complete the trilogy. We began with the Chef movie, subsequently came the Chef Show, and now, The Chef Truck. It all feels right, and we hope everyone loves it!”
“Establishing a restaurant with Chef Roy Choi has been a long-held aspiration since our initial collaboration. Over the past decade, we have worked together on pop-ups, and now we have a permanent establishment where people can finally relish the food we have been creating together,” added Favreau.
Josef Wagner, Vice President of Food & Beverage at Park MGM, remarked, “Roy and Jon are dominant figures in their respective domains, so when they join forces to execute a concept, they commit wholeheartedly, from in-depth research and development to design and execution. Guests and visitors at Park MGM are in for an exceptional experience when they visit The Chef Truck.”
Situated in close proximity to the resort’s vibrant casino floor, The Chef Truck offers a selection of signature items from the silver screen, along with innovative collaborative creations by Choi and Favreau. This marks Chef Choi’s second culinary concept in Las Vegas, following the launch of his Korean BBQ concept Best Friend at Park MGM in December 2018. Best Friend presents the food truck icon’s reimagined interpretation of Los Angeles on The Strip.